Lip Fillers Aftercare


Have you considered ways to improve the look and feel of your lips? If you have, you probably need something to make your lips look better. One of the most popular and sought-after procedures to improve, accentuate, and augment the lip area is lip fillers. 

Lip fillers are an excellent technique to improve the natural appearance of your lips. They give you the precisely formed, soft, and fuller lips you can have from any surgical procedure.

However, scheduling your lip injection procedure in advance is advisable as it may take some time before you notice the full effects. Planning also gives you adequate time to recover, heal, and reduce swelling or bruising. Also, remember that although a lip filler operation is non-surgical and non-invasive, maintaining your full pout afterwards is more crucial!

Many people who have had lip injections are concerned about the aftercare for lip fillers. This article is intended to address some of the issues and questions that have arisen as this type of cosmetic injectable injection has grown in popularity in recent years. Read on to learn about the ten lip filler aftercare tips you can follow.

10 Lip Filler Aftercare tips

  • Reduce the Swelling

A simple ice pack or even a bag of frozen vegetables works wonders against swelling. However, touching your swollen, delicate lips with ice may numb them, so wrap them in a towel.

  • Avoid unnecessarily Touching or Biting Them

Your lips may become numb if your injector has applied an anesthetic cream. The result could linger for several hours. You won’t be able to feel anything around your lips, which could be risky. For instance, your lips will still feel the heat even if you bite or drink something hot. Additionally, you could bite yourself unintentionally and get bruised.

  • Avoid Strenuous Exercises

Exercise that is strenuous on the body increases blood flow and heart rate and may result in bruising and edema. For 24-48 hours following the surgery, refrain from jogging, swimming, and other strenuous activities.

  • Avoid Consuming Medicines or Supplements

Avoid taking blood thinners, including aspirin, ibuprofen, and fish oil, for 24 to 48 hours before the scheduled treatment. Certain drugs and supplements increase the likelihood of bleeding and bruising due to the treatment.

  • Drink Lots of Water

Water consumption is crucial for lip filler aftercare. Give your body a lot of plain fluids. The best is water. It will facilitate the body’s normal healing process after receiving a foreign substance, which is what the filler seems to be to your body. Fruits and vegetables should be adequately hydrated.

  • Sleep With a Pillow

Use an additional pillow to keep your head raised as you sleep to prevent blood from pooling in the treated area.

  • Consult Your Doctor Frequently

Ask your doctor which painkillers are safe to take in the days following your treatment. Normal doses of Tylenol are safe, but not normal doses of aspirin or ibuprofen, which thin the blood.

  • Avoid Laser Treatments for a While

Stay away from laser treatments when you’ve recently had a filler injection. After the injection, wait at least two weeks before scheduling a laser treatment. Due to the intense heat produced by lasers, the filler may disintegrate and degrade more quickly than typical.

  • Let Your Lips Heal After the Treatment

Make sure to provide enough time between the procedure and the event if you’re getting lip fillers for a particular occasion so that your lips can heal correctly.

  • Avoid Makeup for a Day

Wait 24 hours before covering your lips with makeup. The risk of infection makes applying unsealed or previously used lipstick to newly injected lips a no-no. It’s crucial to avoid using excessive pressure. Now, let’s discuss the things you must avoid.

What to Avoid

  • Avoid Alcohol

Alcohol causes blood vessels to dilate, which increases the likelihood of swelling and following bruising injury. Drinking alcohol should be avoided for at least 24 hours before and after the surgery to reduce the likelihood of these side effects.

  • Don’t fly

Wait at least a week before flying because the pressure in an airplane can affect your fillers, and the air may cause your lips’ skin to become dehydrated.

When to Expect the Final Look?

With lip fillers, you’ll see effects immediately, but they won’t be as noticeable after the swelling goes down. The filler normally takes four weeks to integrate and take on the final, desired appearance. Usually, the effects last for six months.

Complications After the Treatment

  • Side Effects

Lip fillers shouldn’t have unfavorable long-term effects if the doctor is extremely experienced. Side effects that manifest quickly include

  • Bleeding at the injection site
  • Bruising,
  • Edema,
  • Pain.

Some people buy hyaluronic acid lip filler online and try to inject themselves; others have injections and cosmetic procedures from less skilled beauty experts. These could be detrimental and lead to the following:

  • Bleeding
  • Lip asymmetry
  • Abnormalities brought on by incorrect injection technique include extreme bruising and swelling.

We advise you to call your skin clinic immediately if you have more serious side effects following treatment. But when should you consult a doctor? Let’s discuss that in detail below.

When to See a Doctor

  • Bruising/Swelling

Consult your doctor if you have severe bruising or swelling that lasts longer than a week. Allergies and reactions are possible. However, they are uncommon.

  • Vascular Occlusion

When a filler is injected into, or close to an artery, the blood flow is reduced or stopped, resulting in vascular occlusion. The adjacent skin and tissue will start deteriorating without sufficient blood circulation.

Sudden acute pain, and a change in skin color, which may appear as white spots or blotches, are indicators of vascular occlusion.

It’s also crucial to be aware that they might not feel discomfort right away because lidocaine, an anesthetic, is a component of most fillers. After the injection treatment, it may take several hours for the effects to fade.

  • Lumps

A hyaluronidase drug can remove lumps left behind by the most popular lip filler, hyaluronic acid. However, many lumps caused by this filler will easily disappear with time and massage.

When lumps are caused by inflammation, medical personnel may administer corticosteroid injections to treat them. In some cases, the lumps seem to disappear after treatment. Dermal filler-related lumps and bumps are often surgically removed.

  • Cold Sores

Dermal fillers can potentially cause an outbreak that may need antiviral medication. If you have previously experienced herpes outbreaks after obtaining dermal fillers, it is best to discuss this with your doctor.

Wrapping Up!

Lip filler is a common cosmetic procedure that gives the lips a seductive appearance. Even though the process is short and doesn’t require any recovery time, specific aftercare steps are necessary for the best outcomes. Applying them should be done after consulting your doctor.

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