Pre and Post Procedure

Cleanse - Extract - Transformations

Botox Pre Treatment Guidelines

In order to minimize the chances of swelling and bruising post treatment we recommend avoiding the following for 24 – 48 hours.
  • Alcohol
  • Over the counter anti inflammatory or blood thinning medications or supplements i.e. Advil, Aleeve, Motrin,
  • Naproxen (If not prescribed)
  • Non essential multivitamins including Vitamin E
  • Garlic, Gingko, Ginseng, Omega 3/Fish Oils, St. John’s Wort
  • Please avoid having any skin resurfacing procedures on your face 2 weeks prior to your injection appointment. i.e. Chemical peels, microneedling, lasers, etc..
  •  Please ensure you are not pregnant or breastfeeding as we will not be able to treat you at this time.

We highly recommend arriving at your appointment fully nourished and hydrated.

Botox Post Treatment Guidelines

  • Results can take 4-7 days to be seen, full effect is seen at 14 days
  • Please remain upright  (do not lay down, do not bend over) for 4 hours post procedure and avoid touching your face
  • Avoid any vigorous activity or activity that would cause you to be hot and sweaty the day of the procedure
  • Do not receive any skin resurfacing procedures to your face for 2 weeks following injections ie. Microdermabrasion, laser, facials, chemical peels, micro needling etc. 
  • Avoid applying make up for 24 hours

Dermal Filler Pre Treatment Guidelines

In order to minimize the chances of swelling and bruising post treatment we recommend avoiding the following for 24 – 48 hours.

  • Alcohol
  • Over the counter anti inflammatory or blood thinning medications or supplements i.e. Advil, Aleeve, Motrin, Naproxen (If not prescribed)
  • Non essential multivitamins including Vitamin E Garlic, Gingko, Ginseng, Omega 3/Fish Oils, St. John’s Wort

  • Please avoid having any skin resurfacing procedures on your face 2 weeks prior to your injection appointment. i.e. Chemical peels, microneedling, lasers, etc..
  • We highly recommend arriving at your appointment fully nourished and hydrated.
  • Please call the clinic to inform us if you have a cold sore. If you have a history of cold sores and are getting treatment of the lips or another area you commonly get a cold sore, talk to your primary health provider prior as a pre-treatment suppressive medication can be prescribed.
  • Please ensure you are not pregnant or breastfeeding as we will not be able to treat you at this time.
  • Please ensure 2 weeks prior to your treatment you have not had any vaccines, dental work (cleaning/scaling included, or have had any illness (including cough, cold, runny nose, etc.).
  • Vaccines and dental work should also be avoided 2 weeks post procedure.

As a reminder, bruising is possible. Please plan treatments at least 2 weeks ahead of any important events. If travel is planned, please schedule treatment 5 days prior.

Dermal Filler Post Treatment Guidelines

  • Avoid significant movement or massage of the treatment area unless instructed by your injector.
  • Apply a cold compress for 10 mins on and off as needed for any mild tenderness, swelling or bruising.
  • Avoid applying makeup for 24 hours.
  • Avoid pools, whirlpools, saunas or steam rooms for 7 days after your treatment to reduce risk of infection.
  • Avoid strenuous activity for 24 hours.
  • Avoid extensive sun exposure for up to 72 hours.
  • Redness, swelling and bruising can sometimes occur with injections and are not considered uncommon. This should improve with each passing day. If you do get a bruise the time to resolution is patient dependent and varies from person to person.  Applying Arnica gel or a cold compress may help.

Facials Pre Treatment Guidelines

To ensure you are suitable for the treatment, please avoid the following:

  • 3-5 days prior avoid: Waxing, electrolysis, laser hair removal, and depilatory creams.
  • 3 -5 days prior stop using products containing: Retinol or prescription retinoids, Salicylic Acid, Alpha Hydroxy Acids, or Benzoyl Peroxide or products that exfoliate or may be drying or irritating to the skin.
  • Avoid Botox, dermal fillers, PRP microneedling treatments for 2 weeks prior to treatment.
  • Ensure 6-12 months from last Accutane treatment.

Facials Post Treatment Guidelines

  • Ensure you are fully protected with SPF 30 or higher daily and avoid direct sunlight for at least one week.
  • The night of your treatment rinse your skin gently with warm water and a gentle cleanser only. You can apply a light moisturizer as well.
  • Avoid hot tubs, heat, saunas, steam rooms, tanning beds, pools and direct sun exposure for 48-72 hours after treatment.
  • Avoid applying makeup for 24 hours.
  • Avoid harsh cleansers, washcloths, scrubs or loofahs for 48 hours following your treatment.
  • Avoid facial waxing for 7 days.
  • Resume using AHA/BHAs or Retinol 3 days after treatment.
  • Resume regular skin care routine 24 hours after treatment.
  • DO NOT rub, pick or pull your skin as scarring may result.
  • Do not have any other facial treatments.

Post chemical peel treatment expectations:

  • Approximately 48 hours after the treatment, your skin may peel, be red, dry and irritated.

  • Skin may take on a sunburned appearance.

  • Peeling and redness, if any, may last for 3 to 5 days.

  • The amount of sloughing experienced will vary depending on the condition of your skin and the home care products used.

  • The amount of peeling observed is not an indication of the effectiveness of the treatment.

  • Acne may temporarily look worse after the first treatment but will improve after additional treatments.

PRP Pre Treatment Guidelines

  • Increase your intake of fluid the day before your procedure by simply drinking 2 glasses of water in the morning, 2 glasses at lunch, and 2 glasses at dinner, and 2 glasses the morning of your procedure and with each meal.
  • Avoid any blood thinning medications including over the counter anti-inflammatory drugs ( ie ibuprofen) or unessential multivitamins for at least 1 week prior to treatment.
    → Prior to stopping any medication that is prescribed please always check that it is okay to do so with your primary care provider.
    → Prescription medications (including heart and blood pressure medication) should be taken as prescribed right up to, and including, the day of and the day after your treatments.
    → Some herbal products that may cause increase bleeding or bruising include but are not limited to: Vitamin E & A, Omegas, Fish Oil, Garlic, Ginko Bilboa.
  • Please avoid the use of alcohol up to 3 days prior to your appointment to reduce the risk or bruising or bleeding.
  • If possible stop smoking or limit smoking for 3 days prior to your procedure, the longer the better as it has been found to impact the healing process.
  • Please eat a normal breakfast and/or lunch the day of your PRP treatment and try to eat a snack before you come.

PRP Post Treatment Guidelines

  • It is normal to experience bruising, redness, itching, swelling and/or soreness that may last from 2-5 days following your treatment. If you experience any pain or discomfort you may take Tylenol or other Acetaminophen-containing products as directed.
  • Try to refrain from applying ice to the injected area as ice acts as an anti-inflammatory however, Ice or cold compresses can be applied to reduce swelling if required.
  • Continue to avoid aspirin, Advil, Motrin, Iburprofen, Naproxen, Voltaren and other anti-inflammatory medications for 3 days after your procedure (if possible try for 7 day)→ Prior to stopping any medication that is prescribed please always check that it is okay to do so with your primary care provider.
  • Please avoid applying any makeup for as long as possible or at least for 24 hours or until the redness/swelling to your face has subsided.
  • The day of your procedure you may wash your face with gentle cleanser and water. Avoid applying any regular routine nightly moisturizer as to not irritate the skin which may be inflamed.
  • Please Avoid sun exposure x 72 hours and use sunscreen if in the sun as your skin will be more sensitive to the sun.
  •  Avoid saunas, steam rooms, whirlpools, swimming for 1 week
    Avoid any sweaty exercise x 72 hours to limit any worsening of bruising or expose, prevent further irritation to your healing skin and limit any exposure to any harmful bacteria or fungus at the gym

Laser Hair Removal Pre Treatment Guidelines

  • Avoid waxing, tweezing, threading, or chemical epilation for 6 weeks of the area your wish to have treated prior to treatment.

  • Avoid sun exposure or self-tanning for 2-4 weeks prior to treatment.

  • Discontinue alpha and beta hydroxy (AHA/BHA) products, hydroquinone, retinols/retinoids, and salicylic acid in treatment area at least 3 days prior to treatment.

  • Some medications, including many antibiotics, can increase your sensitivity to the heat and light of the laser. Please disclose all medications to your laser technician so safety can be established. Medications that are photosensitive may necessitate rescheduling.

  • Avoid Botox, dermal fillers, PRP microneedling treatments or any skin resurfacing procedures in the same treatment area for 2 weeks prior to treatment.

  • Ensure 6 months from last Accutane treatment.

  • The treatment area must be clean-shaven 12-24 hours prior to treatment.

Laser Hair Removal Post Treatment Guidelines

  • Ensure you are fully protected with SPF 30 or higher daily and avoid direct sunlight for at least 6 weeks on the treated area.
  • Avoid hot tubs, heat, saunas, steam rooms, tanning beds, pools for 48-72 hours after treatment.
  • Avoid harsh cleansers, washcloths, scrubs or loofahs for 48 hours following your treatment.
  • Avoid facial waxing for 7 days.
  • Resume regular skin care routine 24 hours after treatment.
  • Do not work out to point of perspiration as extreme itchiness may develop
  • Avoid irritants (glycolics, retinoids etc.) for seven days after treatment.

Post treatment expectations:

  • Some redness and swelling in the area is considered normal after treatment and may feel similar to a sunburn. This should resolve within several hours to several days after treatment.

Microneedling Pre Treatment Guidelines

  • Avoid Accutane in the six months prior to beginning your treatment sessions.

  • Do not use topical agents that may increase the sensitivity of your skin such as retinoids, exfoliants, topical antibiotics or acids 5-7 days prior to your treatment.

  • Do not take anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen, Motrin, or Advil for at least 3 days prior to your microneedling session. These will interfere with the natural inflammatory process that is critical for your skin rejuvenation.

  • Avoid IPL/Laser procedures, unprotected sun exposure, or sunburn for at least 2 weeks prior to your procedure.

  • No waxing, depilatory creams, or electrolysis to the area being treated for 5-7 days prior.

  • Do not shave the day of the procedure to avoid skin irritation. If there’s dense hair present in the treatment area, shave the day before you arrive for your appointment.

  • If you’re prone to cold sores, take an antiviral agent for 2 days prior to and the day of the treatment.

Microneedling Post Treatment Guidelines

  • Do not take any anti-inflammatory medications for one week after the procedure.
  • Do not use ice on your face, and avoid using arnica/bromelain. These may interfere with the natural inflammatory process that’s critical for your skin rejuvenation.
  • Avoid sun tanning and prolonged exposure to direct sunlight for at least 2 weeks. After 24 hours, always use sunblock (30 SPF or higher) and wear a hat if you’re outside.
  • Use a painkiller, such as Tylenol, if you experience any soreness.